​The International Diabetes Epidemiology Group’s biannual one-day Workshop on Diabetes Epidemiology Methods will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, immediately before the 17th Symposium of the International Diabetes Epidemiology Group (IDEG).

The purpose of the workshop is to train and strengthen early stage researchers and medical doctors conducting or wishing to conduct research in diabetes epidemiology. The workshop is also an excellent way to meet and interact with colleagues in the field of diabetes epidemiology from around the world.
IDEG welcomes all early stage researchers and medical doctors already engaged or wishing to conduct research within the field of diabetes epidemiology to apply for enrollment at the IDEG Workshop. The number of participants is limited to 50.
"When can I register??"
Workshop Registration is currently not open!


Workshop Applicants will be selected and prioritized by the IDEG committee based on following criteria:
A statement stating why it would be important for you to attend the workshop.
Years of training within the field of diabetes epidemiology.
Applications will need to include the following:
A 500 word statement. This statement should include:
Why it is important for you to attend the workshop
A brief description of your own research project
Indicate if you wish to be considered for a 2025 travel bursary and why.
Please also indicate if you have previously attended a workshop and/or received an IDEG travel bursary.
2. A copy of your CV (max 2 pages)
3. A copy of the abstract you submitted for the main IDEG meeting, if applicable.​
A limited number of free participation and/or travel bursaries are available. If you wish to apply for a bursary, please include a statement in your 500 words statement that you wish to be considered for a bursary and why you feel you should be considered for one. Travel grants will be prioritized for trainees, early stage researchers and participants living in low- and middle-income countries. Full travel bursaries will include registration fee to the IDEG symposium, IDEG workshop, air travel, and accommodation. If a bursary is granted, the recipient will be reimbursed after the meeting.