Trainee Travel Bursary
A limited number of travel bursaries are available. Bursaries will be prioritized for Students, Fellows, Residents and other Trainees, as well as Early-Career Researchers and Clinicians. Full travel bursaries will include registration fees for the IDEG symposium, IDEG workshop, air travel, and accommodation; this does not include visa or other fees/costs. If a bursary is granted, the IDEG coordinators will organize the awardees' travel, accommodations and registration.​
Travel bursary recipients will be selected based on the following criteria:
A 500-statement stating why it would be important for you to attend the workshop.
Training and scope of research within the field of diabetes epidemiology.
​Submission of an abstract to the main IDEG Symposium.
​​Applications (below) will need to include the following:
A 500-word statement. This statement should include:​
Your career aspirations, interests, and how you will benefit from attending the workshop.
Description of overall research aims in alignment with diabetes epidemiology, significance of research project and anticipated impact.
A copy of your CV (max 2 pages).
A copy of the abstract you submitted for the main IDEG Symposium.