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Organizing Commitee

Organizing Committee

International Scientific 


Edward Gregg


Tim Davis

Co-Chair Local Organizing Committee

Wendy Davis

Co-Chair Local Organizing Committee

David Simmons

Scientific Program Chair


Aimee Andag-Silva

Peter Bennett

Edward J. Boyko

Bendix Carstensen

Lee Ming Chuang

Chaicharn Deerochanawong

Bruce Duncan

Anthony Hanley

Jessica Harding Ronald Ma

Mafauzy Mohamed

Ayesha Motala


Dianna Magliano


An Pan

Elizabeth Paz Pacheco

Chan Siew Pheng

Ambady Ramachandran

Maria Inês Schmidt

Jonathan Shaw

Wayne Sheu

Karen Siegel

Jaakko Tuomiletho

Kohjiro Ueki

Wenjuan Wang

Daniel Witte 

Xiling Yang

Roseanne Yeung

Woskshop Planning 


Paula Bracco

Jessica Harding

Karen Siegel

Bendix Carstensen

Ghazal Fazli

Lee-Ling Lim

Kirsten Coppell

Heena Akbar 

Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz

Matthew Hare 

Local Organizing Committee


In December 2022, IDEG will hold its 17th Symposium in Portugal.  A one-day epidemiology training course targeted at trainees and young researchers will also take place prior to the symposium. Details will be provided closer to the meeting date. The current president of the IDEG is Dr Edward Gregg

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