
The Call for Abstracts has now closed!
Stay tuned for additional announcements.

The International Diabetes Epidemiology Group (IDEG) was established in 1979 to address the growing diabetes epidemic by fostering collaboration and data exchange among researchers. The 18th IDEG Symposium, a key platform for global collaboration, will be held in April 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand, alongside a one-day training course for young researchers. This year’s themes include: ​
Precision Medicine
AI in Diabetes
Diabetes Prevention and Remission
Diabetes and Social Determinants of Health
It is with great pleasure that we are now accepting abstracts for the upcoming International Diabetes Epidemiology Group symposium. Please read the submission guidelines below:
Submission Details
Submission Guidelines
Abstract submission deadline: December 2, 2024.
Abstracts do not have to fit into one of the symposium themes, they will be accepted from all topic areas.
An unlimited number of abstracts can be submitted by one author. However, there can only be ONE presenting author per abstract. The same abstract CANNOT be submitted multiple times by listing different presenting authors.
If the submitting author is not also the presenting author, the submitting author is responsible for informing the presenting and all other listed authors of all communications received regarding the abstract.
Work that has been published in peer-reviewed journals or presented at face-to-face or international virtual meetings before 3rd April 2025 CANNOT be submitted. However, previously submitted work can be resubmitted provided there are new methods and/or findings.
Any financial relationships with commercial entities related to the authors or products and processes described in the work must be correctly disclosed. The submitting author confirms that local regulatory approval has been obtained as required by local laws and declares all authors have read and approved the submitted work.
Abstract submissions are to be submitted via Google Forms. Any abstracts submitted to an email address, or via another form, will not be accepted. ​​​
Submission Instructions
Ensure that you select the MOST relevant stream that BEST reflects the content of your abstract. Categories are used for reviewing and indexing purposes.
All abstracts must be submitted in the English language. Should English not be your first language, prior to submission you may want to have your abstract reviewed by a native English speaker.
The title is limited to 120 characters including spaces and should be brief and relevant. Special characters CANNOT be used.
Only 12 authors and/or study groups may be listed. Each author may only detail one institution.
Abstract Body
The abstract length is limited to 2100 characters with spaces. Only the abstract body and any inserted table/figure count towards this character limit. The headings: Background, Aim, Method, Results, Conclusion and References are to be used to guide structure. The abstract will be submitted as a PDF file in the submission form.
A maximum of 1 Table OR 1 Figure will be accepted, which will count towards the character limit. The table/figure must not contain more than 480 characters. The table must have a maximum of 10 columns and 12 rows. Tables/Figures included in an abstract need to have a mention of this in the abstract text (e.g. Table or Figure 1). Images and photographs are NOT allowed.
Only approved and generic (non-proprietary) drug names, and commonly accepted abbreviations should be used (e.g. BMI and BP) throughout. Less widely recognised abbreviations may be used if introduced on first usage.
A maximum of three references may be provided at the end of the abstract. References need to be numbered (reference number in square brackets) and must have a matching citation number (citation number in square brackets).
Selection and Notification Process
​The 2025 IDEG Symposium Abstract Committee will review all submitted abstracts. Accepted abstracts are selected for mini-oral presentations, oral presentations or poster presentations. You can indicate your preferred presentation method. The Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted abstract and re-categorize any accepted abstract. The decision of the 2025 IDEG Symposium Planning Committee is final.
Notification: Notice of status of submitted abstracts will be sent to the submitting authors by early January 2025.
Presenting author registration: The presenting author(s) must be registered by January 31, 2025. If the presenting author is not registered by this date their abstract will be REMOVED from the programme.
Presentation Formats
Oral Presentation
You will have 10 minutes for a slide presentation, followed by 5 minutes for questions and answers.
Mini-Oral Presentation
You have 3 minutes to present your study's main findings using one slide, followed by 2 minutes for questions.
Poster Presentation
Printed posters.